24 Hour Bail Bond Services:


Burbank City Jail

The Burbank Jail, on North Third Street, is operated by the Burbank Police Department. The Burbank Jail is a small jail facility designed to hold arrestees temporarily. If defendants are not bailed or bonded out of jail quickly, they may be transferred to one of the larger county facilities for longer term incarceration. Call Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds to help get a friend or loved one out of jail in Burbank, California.

Bail Bonds for the Burbank Jail

Bailing out of the Burbank Jail is much less complicated and time consuming than trying to bail out of one of the big county jails. Call Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds right away to get a professional bail bondsman working to get you out of jail fast. Local Burbank Bail Bondsmen are standing by 24-hours a day to help get you home before you have to endure time in a county jail.

Burbank City Jail is located at:

Burbank Police Department
200 North Third Street
Burbank, CA 91502

(818) 238-3000 – General Information


Burbank Bail Bond Service

If you find that someone you care about is behind bars in Burbank, call Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds immediately. They have licensed, experienced bail bond agents standing by in Burbank to work fast to get your loved one out of jail before they have to go to one of the large county jails. Once they've been transferred to a county facility, it will take much longer to get your loved one out of jail on bail. 

Burbank Jail “Pay-To-Stay” Program

Burbank City Jail offers a Pay-to-Stay program as an alternative to serving time in the Los Angeles County Jail. Upon approval by the sentencing magistrate, participants can pay $100 per day to serve their county time in the Burbank City Jail. There is also a non-refundable deposit of $100.00 that is applied to the last day's stay.

Who's in Jail in Burbank?

If you're not sure if a friend or loved one is being held at the Burbank Jail, call Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds for help. Agents are standing by at (844) 400-2245 to help you find out if your friend or loved one is behind bars, and to help you get them home as quickly as possible.

You can call the Burbank jail directly, as well, for information about who is being held there.

You will need the individual's full, legal name, age, and gender. You can also find an inmate's booking number, for use in scheduling visits, sending money, or sending mail.

Immigration Bonds in Burbank

If you, or a loved one, finds themselves in the Burbank Jail with uncertain immigration documentation, call Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds immediately for help in posting bail before immigration status becomes a part of the equation.

Call (844) 400-2245 for bail bonds from the Burbank Jail.

Federal Bonds in Burbank

Immigration bonds are a form of Federal Bonds and are somewhat different from the bail bonds required for local criminal charges. However, if any criminal charges were made at the time of arrest, a California State Appearance Bond would need to be made at the same time. The rates for Federal Bonds range from 12% to 20%, depending on the charges and the amount of the bond required. The premium for appearance bonds is 10%, though discounts can be negotiated for people who have retained a private attorney, members of the military, and members of some other groups.

Spanish speaking bondsmen are available and most other languages can be accommodated.

Call Mr. Nice Guy today for help in securing the release of your friend or loved one.

Drug Charge Bail Bonds in Burbank

Violations involving drugs can range from simple to complex, misdemeanor to felony. Even with the recent passage of Proposition 64, which made marijuana for personal use legal in California, most drugs are still illegal to carry and sell. Even with marijuana, you can face drug charges if you are caught growing or selling it without a license. If you or someone you love is in jail for drugs, call Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds. Mr. Nice Guy and his team of licensed bail bondsmen work hard, 24-hours a day, to get people out of jail and back to their homes and families.

How to Post Bail at The Burbank Jail

When posting bail from the Burbank Jail, it's important to call a bail bondsman as soon as possible. Getting bail from one of the sheriff's jail facility is much faster than trying to bail out of one of the county jails.

How is Bail Set at The Burbank Jail?

The bail for each county is set according to a schedule that is posted at each jail facility and available in court. The judge can set a different amount of bail, during a bail hearing, however

How Much is Bail at the Burbank Jail?

To figure out how much bail will be required to get someone released from jail, you can complete the felony bail worksheet.

You will have to follow several steps:

  • List all of the offenses for which a defendant is being charged.
  • Find the charge with the highest bail schedule amount.
  • If the arrestee is charged with more than one offense, on separate dates or against separate victims, list the amounts of the bail required for those charges and add them to the original charge.
  • Next, find if there are any enhancements that require additional bail. Enhancements include things like:
    • Gang-related offenses
    • Offenses committed with a weapon
    • Does the defendant have any prior convictions?
    • Has the arrestee been in prison during the past five years?
    • Is the victim under 15 or over 65?
  • After finding all base charges and all enhancements, add all of these amounts to find the total amount of bail that will be required to bail someone out of jail.

Misdemeanor Bail Bonds For The Burbank Jail

If a person is charged with a crime that does not have a a uniform bail amount provided in the Misdemeanor Bail Schedule, the bail is $500. If the charge against a defendant could be a felony or a misdemeanor charge, sometimes called a “wobbler,” and the bail is not clearly defined in the bail schedule, then the minimum bail will be $750.00.

How do I Get Out of Jail in Burbank?

In California, when you've been charged with a crime, you'll need to post bail in order to get out of jail while you await your charges. The court will hold the amount of bail money that you've deposited with them and return it to you when your case has reached its close.

There are different types of bail in California. Bail for appearance in California is for crimes only involving state violations. There are also Federal violations which may require bail, if you commit, or are accused of committing a federal crime. Immigration violations can also require a substantial bond if it is granted. Depositing bail with the court, for any of these types of bail or bond, allows a person to get out of jail, and the money will be returned, if that person follows through on all of their legal proceedings.

Mr. Nice Guy's licensed bail agents can process bail bonds for arrests throughout Southern California. Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds Inc. offers bail premiums as low as 7%* (the lowest bail bond rate allowed in California). No other bail bondsman can offer lower rates. Call now, or start the bail bonds process online. 

How do I Pay For Bail in Burbank?

A bail bondsman is a person who is licensed by the state, working with an agency, who can post a “bond” for you, instead of the full amount of your bail. The bail bondsman works with a Surety Company, who is a little like an insurance company. They have certain rules for issuing bonds to help people get out of jail. The person who is in jail pays a fee and the bail bondsman pays the bail.

Then, the person who has been charged with a crime can get back to their job and family, while they wait for trial. The person who had the bond posted for them is promising the bail bondsman that they will continue to show up for all of the hearings and proceedings required by their charges so that the bondsman can get the bail money back from the court.

California state law requires that the bail bondsman charge a 10% premium on bail, in order to post your bond. Sometimes that's just more than you can afford. Mr. Nice Guy understands that bail can be expensive. There are agents standing by at locations near you, to help you get out of jail for a fraction of the cost of bail. If you can't afford the premium, don't sweat it! Mr. Nice Guy has payment plans that can help get you out of jail today, back to work tomorrow, and you can pay as you can afford it.

PC 1275 Bail Holds in Burbank

Penal Code Section 1275.1 states that if there is probable cause to suspect that the money or property being used to post bail may come from criminal activity, bail will not be accepted. This is called a 1275 Bail Hold.

Any person who plays a part in the arresting or prosecution process can place the PC 1275 Hold on the bail. This means that they believe the money being used to bail a person out of jail comes from illegal activity. The money may be believed to come from drug dealing, gang-related activities, embezzlement, theft, or extortion. Any of these activities would make the money that came from them ineligible for paying bail.

If a 1275 Hold has been placed on someone's bail, a hearing will be held to determine whether or not the money that will be used to pay the bail is, in fact, from illegal sources. In order to prove that the money is “clean,” a person will need to bring bank and credit card statements, bill payment statements, car payment information, tax returns, and proof of income to their PC 1275 Bail Hearing.

Call Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds for help in clearing up matters regarding a 1275 hold. Mr. Nice Guy and his team of licensed bail bondsmen are standing by, to help you post bail and get back to your home and family, as soon as possible.

GPS Monitoring for Bail Bonds in Burbank

If you're unfortunate enough to find yourself behind bars for charges that require a large bail amount, agreeing to GPS monitoring as a part of your bail bond agreement can help save you money on overall bail bond cost. While the cost of GPS monitoring will become a part of your bail bond agreement, the judge will often lower the cost of bail, or the bail bondsman may agree to a lower rate, in exchange for your cooperation in GPS Monitoring.

Sometimes, when a large amount of bail is required, it can be difficult to come up with the premium required, and a payment plan will need to be established. Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds will work with you to create a payment plan that works for your situation. Using GPS monitoring may help to reduce the cost of financing your bail bond!

Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds are familiar with GPS Bail Bonds and how to make them work in your favor. Call Mr. Nice Guy and his team of licensed professionals for help with GPS Bail Bonds, today! (844) 400-2245

Bail Bond Financing for the Burbank Jail

Mr. Nice Guy offers a wide range of payment options. They will work with you to figure out what you can afford and help you get out of jail while you try to assemble the money to pay the bond premium. Payment options that require as little as 1% down can be arranged with Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds. 

What Can I Use For Collateral For Bail Bonds?

Collateral is something of value that is used to secure a debt. It is not always necessary to have collateral in order to qualify for a bail bond payment plan. However, if you have something of value that can be used as collateral, it can sometimes make things that much easier.

Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds will accept most items of value as collateral for a bail bond. You can use any of the following items as bail bond collateral:

  • Cars
  • Boats
  • Jewelry
  • Real Estate
  • Savings
  • Investments
  • Anything Of Value

At Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds, we understand how important it is that you get out of jail and back to your regular life, where you can go to work and provide for your family. We want to help you get out of jail as quickly as possible. Call us today for more information on Bail Bond Payment Plans. We will work with you to figure out a payment plan, with or without collateral.

Best Rates on Bail Bonds in Burbank

Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds offers financing options for bail bonds as low as 1% down. Mr. Nice Guy and his team of licensed bail bond agents will work with you to find a payment plan to get you out of jail and back home to friends and family as quickly as possible.

Sometimes, Mr. Nice Guy can even find a way to offer a no-down payment necessary to get you out of jail with no money down! Each case is different, but Mr. Nice Guy's friendly, professional bail bondsmen are here for you, whatever your situation.

Call them today for more information on no-down-payment bail bonds!