24 Hour Bail Bond Services:


Fontana Bail Bonds

Facing an arrest could interrupt your daily routine and professional life. Therefore, your primary concern is obtaining a pretrial release as fast as possible to gather evidence and build a strong defense outside the jail.

Seeking bail services is an ideal alternative to securing a release when your bail is too high. Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds can help you obtain your pretrial release at an affordable cost. Our experienced Fontana bail bond agents will help you understand the bailing process and secure your pretrial release.

Bail in Fontana

After your arrest, you could be released from jail by paying bail. Bail is a financial agreement that you will attend all scheduled court hearings. A judge sets your bail amount during a bail hearing, and it is based on the bail schedule. The judge also has the discretion to increase the bail amount based on the severity of the offense you are being charged with, prior convictions, or your risk of flight.

By paying bail, you promise to attend all court hearings. If you attend all the court hearings and comply with the court orders, the court will return the bail money minus court fees at the end of your case, whether you receive a guilty or no guilty verdict.

However, if you miss attending any of your court hearings, you could forfeit the bail, and have an order for your rearrest given.

Bail Hearing in Fontana

When the police detain you, they book you in a local jail facility. If you commit a minor offense, your bail amount will be set based on the bail schedule without necessarily attending a bail hearing. However, if you committed a serious offense such as burglary with violence, you must attend a formal bail hearing.

Judges conduct bail hearings about 48 hours after your arrest, except if your arrest happens on weekends and holidays. It may take longer if you are arrested during a weekend or holiday. At the bail hearing, a judge will determine if you can obtain your pretrial release on bail and then set the bail amount.

Your defense attorney will try to convince the judge to reduce your bail or request that you be released under Own Recognizance (OR) conditions by promising to attend future court sessions. However, the prosecution will push the judge to increase the bail amount or request bail denial if you committed a grave offense.

Understanding Fontana Bail Bonds

Sometimes, the bail amount is set too high, and you may be unable to pay the full amount upfront, especially since you need to pay the money within a short period. This is where Fontana bail bonds come in.

You can obtain your pretrial release by hiring the services of a Fontana bail bondsman through a financial service that requires you to pay only 10% of your full bail amount to the bail bonds company. It is non-refundable and acts as a service fee. The bail bondsman then posts the full amount on your behalf, and you are released from jail.

Your bail bondsman promises the court that you will attend all the court hearings and that they will forfeit the bail amount if you do not attend any future hearing. Here, the Fontana bail bonds company takes a financial risk. Therefore, they need collateral from you to act as a caution for them to regain their money if you fail to attend any court hearing.

Types of Fontana Bail Bonds

There are different kinds of bonds in Fontana, and they work differently. They include the following:

Cash Bond

You must pay the full bail upfront to secure your pretrial release through cash bond. The court will return your money if you attend all scheduled court hearings until your case ends. However, you could forfeit the full bail amount and face a rearrest if you miss a hearing, making it high-risk.

Surety Bond

Surety bonds represent the majority of bail bonds used today. To access their services, a bail bonds company requires you to pay a premium fee of 10% of your full bail amount. This fee is non-refundable. The Fontana bail bondsman then posts the full bail to court on your behalf to obtain your pretrial release. The bail bonds company may seek collateral or repayment if you do not attend court hearings.

Property Bond

To post bail with a property bond, you must provide real estate or valuable assets for the court to hold. If you fail to attend any scheduled hearing, the court can legally take that property and put it on sale. The property's value should equal or exceed the set bail amount.

Meaning of Bail Forfeiture

Bail forfeiture happens when you miss to attend a scheduled hearing after being released on bail. If you fail to attend any court hearing, you will lose the full bail amount. If you had hired a bail bondsman, they would lose the full bail amount they posted on your behalf. However, they may seize the collateral to secure the bond.

Pros of Posting Bail with a Fontana Bail Bonds Company

Financial Relief

Since bond companies charge a small upfront fee of about 10% for bail service, they help you pay less than the set full bail amount. For example, you would pay $6,000 instead of the full $60,000 bail amount.

Access to Expert Guidance

A licensed bail bondsman offers their expertise to help you understand and complete the bail process smoothly. A Fontana bail bondsman has the legal knowledge and will steer you toward correct decisions while helping you fulfill all your pretrial release conditions.

Quick and Efficient Release

Bail bond companies know how to speed up the release process with local court and jail staff. When you hire a Fontana bail bonds company, they will push for your release sooner than if you decided to handle bail payments alone.

Court and Jail Information

Superior Court of California, County of Bernardino

Attn: Financial Services
Box 15005
San Bernardino, CA 


Fontana Sheriff’s Department

17780 Arrow Boulevard,
Fontana, California 92335


Find a Fontana Bail Bonds Company Near Me

When you or someone you care about needs bail bond services in Fontana, Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds can help. Our Fontana bail bondsmen are available 24/7 and can help you go through the bail process smoothly while keeping costs low. Contact us today at 844-400-2245 to secure your pretrial release and obtain expert advice.