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Domestic Violence Arrests

Posted on Apr 27th, 2017 by tmg_admin 2974 Views

When we meet someone new, fall in love, and start a new relationship, we never think that we might face time in jail for hurting the one we love. Unfortunately, those intense feelings of love that we have for someone else can quickly turn into intense feelings of anger, or jealousy. It's important, during these times, to remain as calm as possible, and deal with things in a restrained manner. If, however, you find yourself having lost control or if you are accused of striking out against a partner or former partner, you may face charges for domestic violence.

Domestic Violence or Love Gone Wrong?

Because so many victims of domestic violence make accusations of violence against a spouse or partner, only to take it back at a later time, most district attorneys offices in California have a special unit dedicated to prosecuting domestic violence. Even if the accuser recants, the prosecution will generally pursue the charges, anyway. And, if you are convicted of domestic violence, most counties impose jail time, even for first-time, misdemeanor offenders.

What is Domestic Violence?

California domestic violence laws state that it is illegal to use physical force or make threats of harm against an intimate partner. An intimate partner includes a spouse, former spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, former girl- or boyfriend, someone you date or used to date, same-sex partner, a person you live and have an intimate relationship, or used to live and have an intimate relationship, or someone with whom you have a child. In other words, if you have, or have ever had, romantic feelings for or an intimate relationship with someone and then become involved in any kind of force, you could be charged with domestic violence charges, and not just simple battery.

Examples of Domestic Violence 

PC 273.5 says that it is illegal to inflict “corporal punishment” that results in an injury, no matter how slight. That means if you strike another person who is, or was, an intimate partner, and leave a mark, you have violated PC 273.5 and can be charged with domestic violence.

PC 243 (3)(1) makes it a misdemeanor crime to use force against an intimate partner. In this case, a visible injury is not necessary, just the act of force.

But, I'm Innocent of Domestic Violence!

Unfortunately, innocent people get accused of domestic violence all the time. Sometimes, whatever happened was just an accident. Sometimes, in a struggle, someone acting in self-defense ends up hurting the other party, and they end up accused of domestic violence, even though they were only protecting themselves. But, all of that is for the attorneys to sort out.

If you are, in fact, accused of domestic violence, you will likely be arrested and taken to jail. That is the time to call Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds, to get someone working to get you out of jail, as quickly as possible.

What Should I Do if Get Arrested for Domestic Violence?

If the police are called to your home, apartment, or any other location where there is a disturbance between people who have, or have had, a romantic relationship, emotions are likely to be running high all the way around. The more you can keep a level head about you and act with restraint toward the police officers and the other party involved, the better things will go. It's important to remember to conduct yourself in such a way that the law enforcement officers don't see you as a threat. This keeps you safe, as well as putting you in a position to be able to calmly explain your side of things to the police.

When dealing with the police, remember:

  • Cooperate with police officers, physically. Don't resist them, even if they feel the need to restrain you.
  • Speak as calmly as possible, if you choose to answer their questions.
  • Don't speak to or yell at the other party in the altercation.
  • Conduct yourself in a dignified way, allowing the officers to see that your behavior was only what was necessary for self-defense.

If you are arrested and charged with battery, the arresting officer should inform you of your Miranda Rights:

  • You have the right to remain silent – They can't make you talk, other than to provide your name, address, and show some sort of identification, upon request.
  • Anything you say can be used against you – If you choose to talk to the authorities, the statements you make can be used against you in court.
  • You have the right to an attorney – You can ask to have an attorney present while they question you. If you ask for an attorney but continue to talk to the officers, while you wait for your attorney, the answers you give can still be used against you.
  • If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you – If you cannot afford an attorney, but would like to have one, the court will appoint an attorney for you, free of charge.

It is important to keep things from escalating in front of the police. If you get angry and strike out against a police officer, new and even more serious charges can be filed against you. Remaining calm and being physically cooperative will work in your favor, as you negotiate the legal path that lies ahead.

Can I Be Put In Jail For Domestic Violence?

If arrested for domestic violence, you will be transported to the nearest detention facility, charged with a crime, and booked. Where this detention facility will be, depends on where you are arrested, and by whom. Law enforcement officers generally work out of a single station and will transport people to book and hold at that facility. However, in some cases, you may be transported to a different facility, for some reason.

What is Domestic Violence Bail?

Bail is an amount of money, determined by the court for each charge, that is meant to ensure that you show up for court appearances and do what is required to see your charges through to the end of the legal process. Once your legal proceedings have come to a close, you will be refunded your bail money. Bail can be paid by cash, cashier's check, or by putting up property in place of bail. If property is used, there must be twice as much equity in the property as the amount of the bail that is owed. For instance, if the bail is $5,000 and property is used to secure the bail, the person posting bail must be able to show that the property is worth at least $10,000 more than is owed on the property.

How Much Is Bail For Domestic Violence?

After you are charged with domestic violence and booked into jail, the jail will have a list of bail amounts based on the crime for which you are charged. The authorities at the detention facility should be able to tell you how much the bail is for the specific domestic violence charges that you are facing. If you have the cash to pay your bail, or have property to secure it, you can be on your way.

However, it is a common practice for law enforcement to charge you with the most serious crimes you could possibly be guilty of, knowing that it is likely they will be pleaded down to lesser charges during the court proceedings. This can result in a bail amount that is much higher, possibly more than you can easily pay. In this case, you will want to reach out to a bail bond company like Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bond. Mr. Nice Guy will post your bail for a fraction of the cost of bail. The cost of bail bonds is typically 10% of the total cost of bail. Call now, or start the bail bond process online. Call (844) 400-2245

Where Can I Get Domestic Bail Bonds?

Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds is the number one bail bond company in Southern California and has been featured on national television. Mr. Nice Guy and his team of licensed professionals will work fast to get you out of jail and back to your regular life as quickly as possible. When you call (844) 400-BAIL (2245), be sure to have your name, birth date, booking number, and location available for fastest service.

Who Has the Best Price on Domestic Violence Bail Bonds?

Mr. Nice Guy's licensed bail agents can process bail bonds for arrests throughout Southern California and offers bail premiums as low as 7%* (the lowest bail bond rate allowed in California). No other bail bondsman can offer lower rates. Call now, or start the bail bonds process online. (844) 400-BAIL (2245)

Some bail bond companies require an annual premium on the anniversary of charges, but Mr. Nice Guy never does that. Once you've secured a bond through Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds, there are no additional fees or recurring charges. Mr. Nice Guy will even work with you on establishing a payment plan for a bail bond, to help get yourself or a loved one out of jail when you're on a budget. It just doesn't get much nicer than that!

Other online services include free warrant checks and a direct link to the most Sheriff's Department databases.

If you need a bail bond in Southern California: if you want fast, private service at the best rates available; if you are looking for professional service, call Mr. Nice Guy toll free at (844)400-2245.

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