24 Hour Bail Bond Services:


DUI Bail Bonds in Costa Mesa

Posted on Jul 30th, 2018 by tmg_admin 265520 Views

If you're looking for a good time out with friends, there's no doubt that Costa Mesa has plenty to offer. From an afternoon of shopping, dining at world-class restaurants, or taking in some professional skateboarding action, Costa Mesa can deliver a good time! And, they do it all along with some gorgeous California sunshine and year-round summer temps.

Costa Mesa is a big town. With more than 110,000 residents and millions of tourists visiting the area each year, this is a town where anything can and will happen. That can be a good thing, with adventure and fun calling your name. Or, it might turn out to be a bad thing, when a little too much fun ends up causing trouble.

If you or a loved one finds themselves arrested for DUI, DWI, or DUI of drugs in Costa Mesa, your first call should be to the professionals at Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds. As the name implies, the folks at Mr. Nice Guy are friendly and understanding about the way that life just happens sometimes. However, they are also experienced with handling all sorts of situations and helping people get out of jail fast in Costa Mesa and the surrounding areas.

Mr. Nice Guy has locations all over Southern California and can help you get out of jail just about anywhere in the U.S. But, if you are in jail in Costa Mesa, there's no one better to call than Mr. Nice Guy. He'll have one of his team of professional, friendly bail bondsmen by your side within minutes, to help walk you through the process of bailing out of jail and getting back to your friends and family, where you belong.

South Coast Metro Area

In 1967, cousins Henry and  Hal Segerstrom transformed the family lima bean field into the first shopping mall in Costa Mesa, the South Coast Plaza. Fifty years later, the Plaza is one of the largest shopping centers in the nation, generating more than one billion dollars in revenue each year. A renowned, global-shopping destination, the South Coast Plaza is home to more than 320 high-end department stores, shops, luxury boutiques, and restaurants.

The success of the South Coast Plaza provided an anchor for the South Coast Metro district, a dense mix of residential, retail, and office space. The area includes the Segerstrom Center for the Arts and the South Coast Repertory theater company, the center of the Costa Mesa Theater and Arts District.

The South Coast Metro district lies adjacent to the John Wayne Airport, Newport Beach, and Irvine.

Action Sports Capital – Costa Mesa

Costa Mesa claims the title of “Action Sports Capital of the World.” Costa Mesa is home to action sports brands like Vans, RCVCA, Volcom, and Hurley. The City of Costa Mesa embraces the symbiotic relationship that it has with the sports industry, hosting a number of sporting competitions and demonstrations each year in the Action Sports Arena that is a part of the OC Fair in Costa Mesa.

The Action Sports Arena hosts Freestyle Moto-X, extreme rodeo, care racing and monster trucks nearly all year round. Costa Mesa is host to the Damn-Am finals, as well. The Damn-AM is an amateur skaters competition featuring the best amateur skateboarders from around the world. Two finalists will be named “Damn Am Of The Year” and are invited to participate in the SLS Nike SB Pro Open.

Costa Mesa Nightlife

For adults (over 21) looking to have a good time in Costa Mesa, there is no shortage of exciting places to hang out and grab a beer with friends. Whether you're looking for a dance club, neighborhood bar, or cocktail lounge, you'll find what you're looking for in Costa Mesa. 

The Wayfarer

The Wayfarer in Costa Mesa offers a chic location on 19th Street, with live performances by local bands nearly every night. The Wayfarer sits in what used to be the Detroit Bar, having been taken over and remodeled in 2014 by new owner Jeff Chon. The redesigned nightclub opened on July 17, 2014, with a performance by rap legends EPMD.

In addition to the live performance line-up, the Wayfarer also offers a great menu of Mexican and American fare at reasonable prices.

The Wayfarer
843 W 19th Street
Costa Mesa, CA  92627
(949) 764-0039 

Time Nightclub

The upbeat and luxuriously decorated Time Nightclub, on Newport Blvd., offers a 700 square foot dance floor that, according to their website, looks like a Vegas Night Club. Claiming the title of Orange County's most exclusive nightclub, the Time offers tiered booth seating, two bars, a DJ stage, and recessed dance floor. They recommend calling ahead for reservations, to ensure space at their in-demand location.

The Time Nightclub
1875 Newport Blvd. B245
Costa Mesa, CA  92627
(949) 722-7103 

The Boulevard

Located along Newport Boulevard, the aptly named Boulevard bar is a retro space for friends to relax and enjoy a craft beer or seasonal cocktail. The Boulevard is also home to “Happy Hour Every Day” where drinks are always half-priced between 5 and 7 pm.

The Boulevard
1824 Newport Blvd
Costa Mesa, Ca  92627
(949) 515-0700 

Get A Ride – Avoid A DUI

The Costa Mesa Police Department and the Orange County Sheriff's Department are committed to putting an end to drinking and driving in Costa Mesa. To this end, they work in cooperation with one another and the surrounding police departments of Santa Ana, Newport Beach, and Irvine, to create DUI checkpoints and frequent sobriety checks along with their regular traffic stops.

To avoid getting a DUI in Costa Mesa, you should always have a “designated driver” plan when going out with friends. Have at least one person who is committed to not drinking or using drugs, who will be responsible for seeing that everyone else gets home safely.

Sober Rides in Costa Mesa

Even the best-laid plans sometimes go awry. If you're out with friends, and your designated driver gets a little too caught up with the fun, don't take a chance on driving home after you've been drinking. Call a cab, call an Uber....heck, call your mom! Just get a sober ride to get home safely!

Yellow Taxi Cab Costa Mesa
(949) 355-7799

ABC Ride Transportation
(714) 809-9000

Costa Mesa Taxi Cab
(949) 784-2575

Rockin' Ride Executive Transport
(714) 713-4297

Costa Mesa Law Enforcement

The Costa Mesa Police Department and the Orange County Sheriff's Department work together to provide policing services to the City of Costa Mesa and the surrounding areas.

Costa Mesa Police Department

The Costa Mesa Police Department employs more than 90 officers and civilians to implement law enforcement within the Costa Mesa city limits. The Police Department utilizes geographic-based policing, separating the city into two areas, based primarily on geographical boundaries.

Patrol Area 1

Patrol Area One includes all of the area inside of these boundaries: Joann Street and Victoria Street to the north, Irvine Avenue to the east, 15th and 16 streets to the south, and the Santa Ana River to the west. Area 1 is commanded (in 2018) by Lt. Joyce LaPointe, who has worked with the Costa Mesa Police Department since 1997.

Patrol Area 2

Patrol Area Two is bounded by Tustin Avenue to the east, Joann and Victoria Street to the south, Sunflower Avenue to the North, and the Santa Ana River to the west. Area two includes the South Coast Plaza, the OC Fairgrounds, Orange Coast College, and TeWinkle Park.

Costa Mesa City Jail

The Costa Mesa Police Department operates a Type 1 jail facility, with 32 beds. The Costa Mesa City Jail is designed to house defendants for 24 to 48 hours, either before a court appearance, prior to release, or prior to transfer to a county facility. The city jail staff is responsible for the transfer of inmates from the jail to the courthouse in Costa Mesa for hearings and trials.

Visiting Hours at the Costa Mesa City Jail

Visiting hours at the Costa Mesa City Jail are Monday through Saturday, 5 pm to 7 pm, and Sundays, 3 pm to 5 pm. For more information, please contact the custody staff at (714) 754-5113.

Costa Mesa City Jail
99 Fair Drive
Costa Mesa, CA  92626
(714) 754-5113

“Every Fifteen Minutes” Program in Costa Mesa

In the United State, someone is killed by someone driving under the influence (DUI). To help fight this statistic, the Costa Mesa Police Department offers the “Every 15 Minutes” program as a part of the department's community outreach. The goal of the program is to educate new drivers and teens preparing to drive for the first time about the dangers of driving while intoxicated.

The program is presented twice a year at the area high schools and is a combination of live theater and lectures by first responders and police. There are usually representatives from the local chapter of MADD (Mother's Against Drunk Driving). The program is purposely presented in the weeks leading up to graduation, in an attempt to influence graduates, and their friends and family, to exercise caution during their graduation celebrations.

Arrested for DUI in Costa Mesa

The Costa Mesa Police Department operates a minimum of twelve DUI checkpoints each year, in addition to regular traffic stops and checks for impaired driving. According to their website, the Costa Mesa Police Department has a zero tolerance policy for drinking and driving. This means that if you choose to drink and drive and are pulled over for any reason by the police or sheriff's department, you will likely go to jail for DUI.

DUI Laws In Costa Mesa California

While driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol is illegal throughout the State of California, Costa Mesa and Orange County has some of the toughest laws for punishing those convicted of DUI charges.

The drunk driving laws for California are found in Vehicle Code Section 23152 and Vehicle Code section 23153, which says that:

  • 23152(a) – It is illegal for anyone who is under the influence of alcohol to operate a vehicle
  • 23152(b) It is illegal for anyone who has a blood alcohol content exceeding 0.08% or more to operate a vehicle.
  • 23152(e) – It is illegal for anyone who is under the influence of drugs to operate a vehicle.
  • 23152(f) – It is illegal for anyone who is under the influence of any combination of drugs or alcohol to operate a vehicle.

In many cases, both the 23152(a) and 23152(b) charges will be filed together.

To put it in layman's terms, DUI charges result when a person drives or otherwise operates a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Whenever you are planning a fun evening (or day) out with friends and alcohol may be consumed, it is always best to either designate a driver who will not be drinking or to utilize some sort of public or paid transportation like a taxi service or Uber driver.

DUI Enhancements

In addition to a charge of Driving Under the Influence, or DUI, there may also be circumstances in which the charges will be increased or “enhanced.” These enhancements include:

  • Child Endangerment
  • Reckless Speed
  • Open Container
  • Hit And Run
  • Evading Arrest
  • Blood Alcohol Above 0.15%
  • Blood Alcohol Above 0.2%
  • DUI Refusal/Forced Blood Draw
  • Multiple Offenses

Child Endangerment Enhancement To DUI

There are two statutory provisions which apply to the child endangerment enhancement of a DUI charge. The first is California Vehicle Code 23572(a) which states that if a person violates Section 23152 VC, the portion of the Vehicle Code having to do with driving under the influence, while a person under the age of 14 is in the vehicle, the court must impose additional penalties that can range from an additional 48 hours to 90 days in the county jail.

Penal Code 273(a)

The second statutory provision that applies to a child endangerment enhancement of DUI is a violation of Penal Code 273(a) which covers crimes that involve cruelty to a child while under the influence of alcohol and includes driving a care with a minor passenger while under the influence and intentionally inflicting harm or mental anguish on the child while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

DUI With Death Or Injury

California Vehicle Code 23153 VC deals with injuries caused by a person driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Code 23153 VC reads:

"(a) It is unlawful for a person, while under the influence of any alcoholic beverage to drive a vehicle and concurrently do any act forbidden by law, or neglect any duty imposed by law in driving the vehicle, which act or neglect proximately causes bodily injury to any person other than the driver. (b) It is unlawful for a person, while having 0.08 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood to drive a vehicle and concurrently do any act forbidden by law, or neglect any duty imposed by law in driving the vehicle, which act or neglect proximately causes bodily injury to any person other than the driver. . . . (e) It is unlawful for a person, while under the influence of any drug, to drive a vehicle and concurrently do any act forbidden by law, or neglect any duty imposed by law in driving the vehicle, which act or neglect proximately causes bodily injury to any person other than the driver. "

Vehicular Manslaughter While Intoxicated

If you kill someone while driving drunk, you could be charged with vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated, a more serious crime than DUI causing injury. This charge may result if you drive under the influence and inadvertently cause the death of another person.

If, while driving under the influence, you intentionally engage in activity that is likely to result in the death of another person. The second scenario, intentionally engaging in activity that is likely to cause death, will result in the more serious charge of gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated and carries an even more serious penalty.

VC 23152(e) – DUI of Drugs Charge

Driving under the influence of Drugs is a violation of the Vehicle Code 231452(e), which reads: “It is unlawful for a person who is under the influence of any drug to drive a vehicle.” It is very similar to driving under the influence of alcohol. One way that this charge differs from a regular “DUI” charge is that when an officer suspects the presence of drugs in someone's system, a breathalyzer test will not show drugs and a blood test will have to be ordered. Other evidence that can be used to charge someone with DUI of drugs includes the defendant's statements, behavior, and appearance.

Can I Refuse A Breathalyzer Test or Blood Test?

According to Vehicle Code 23612, any person who operates a vehicle in the State of California is considered to have already given their consent to having their blood or breath tested for the purpose of determining alcoholic content if that person is lawfully detained on suspicion of having violated the drunk driving laws of the state.

This means that if you are pulled over on suspicion of DUI, you are obligated to submit to the breath or blood test when asked by the investigating officer. The refusal to submit to a breath test or blood test could result in a forced blood draw to test your blood for alcohol content and an increased penalty if convicted of DUI.

DUI Bail in Costa Mesa

Each person arrested for DUI will have an opportunity to post bail in order to get out of jail and back home to prepare for the upcoming court case. The bail schedule is available at each booking facility and county jail or it can be located online here.

Bail is an amount of money deposited with the court to secure a person's release from jail until their legal case can be resolved. Once a person has paid their bail to the court, the court will hold the money and allow the defendant to return home to work and family, until their legal proceedings come to a close. The bail schedule outlines the amount of bail required for each offense. In order to understand the full amount of bail that will be required to secure someone's release, you must know all of the charges against the defendant and add all of the bail amounts together.

Once the legal process has been completed, whether convicted or not, the money used for bail is returned to the person who posted it with the court. If a friend or family member posts bail with the court system, then the money is returned to the person who posted it.

DUI Bail Bonds in Costa Mesa

Many times the amount of money required for bail is more than someone can conveniently come up with. If you don't have friends or relatives from whom you can borrow the money for bail,  you may need to enlist the help of a bail bondsman like Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds. Mr. Nice Guy and his team of licensed, professional bail bondsmen can help you negotiate the bail process and get out of jail fast.

A DUI bail bondsman will pay the bail on your behalf, and you pay the bondsman a fee, usually 10% of the total cost of bail. When the case is resolved, the court will return the money to the person who paid for it, in this case, the bail bondsmen. He keeps the fee as payment for helping to secure bail more quickly and for assistance to the court in tracking and ensuring the compliance of defendants who are out on bail.

How Much Are DUI Bail Bonds In Costa Mesa?

The state of California requires that all bail bond companies charge 10% of the total amount of bail, in order to post bond for a defendant. That means that if the bail is $20,000, the bail bondsman is required to charge $2,000 to post a bond in place of the bail. While this may still seem like a lot of money, it's far less than having to pay the entire amount. The rates the law requires for Federal and Immigration Bonds can be as high as 15 – 20%. But, all of these rates are set by statute, and all bail bond companies are required to charge the same amount.

California law allows for a discounted rate on bail bonds if the defendant retains a private attorney and pays the premium in full within 72 hours. These discounts are allowed for government union workers, members of the military, and AARP members. These discounts are determined by the surety company that is writing the bonds for the bail bond company.

Best Rates On Costa Mesa Bail Bonds

Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds has the best rates on bail bonds. How can we make that statement when all bail bond companies are required to charge the same 10% fee? Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds uses a Surety Company that allows them to discount bail bonds to just 7% if the defendant retains a private attorney and pays the premium within the first 72-hours. There's no lower rate available, anywhere.

Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds saves you money in other ways, as well.

Other companies charge hidden fees like:

  • Notary Fees
  • Travel Expenses
  • Posting Fees
  • Annual Premiums
  • Late File Premiums
  • Interest on Financing
  • Processing Fees

Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds doesn't charge any of these fees. There is always just one flat rate, no interest, no hidden fees, no surprises. Other companies may advertise the same 10% rate that everyone is required to charge. But, what they don't tell you is all the other fees you'll end up paying. Mr. Nice Guy never charges these additional fees, so you'll end up paying a lower rate, no matter what the other guys are advertising.

Call Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds to start the bail bond process and get out of jail fast!


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DUI Bail Bonds in Costa Mesa

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How to Calculate a Bail Bond in California?

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