24 Hour Bail Bond Services:


7% Bail Bonds in California

Posted on Jul 19th, 2020 by Jesse Kleis 1290 Views

Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds offers a wide variety of bail bond payment plans and services, and even discounts on bail bonds that are paid in full, including 7% bail bonds. We offer payment plans that accept as little as 1% down and substantial discounts for bail bonds that are paid in full. Whatever your budget and needs, the experienced and professional bail bond agents at Mr. Nice Guy will discuss your unique situation and work with you to find the plan that best fits your needs. 

For more information about 7% bail bonds in Southern California, call Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds right away at (844) 400-2245. 

What Does 7% Bail Bonds Mean?

When people talk about 7% bail bonds, they’re usually talking about a down payment on the full amount required to arrange bail bonds. 7% bail bonds is really just another way of saying we will tailor a payment plan for bail bonds that requires a 7% down payment. The remainder of the amount owed for bail bonds will be worked out in a payment plan tailored to fit the individual needs of the borrower. 

7% Paid-in-Full Discount Bail Bonds

For very large bail bonds that are paid in full, 7% may be enough to pay the entire amount of bail. For bail bonds over $20,000, 7% may be enough to completely pay off your bail bonds.

Please note that not all charges qualify for “paid in full” discounts and not all counties permit it. To see if your situation qualifies for 7% Bail Bonds paid in full, call Mr.Nice Guy Bail Bonds at (844) 400-2245. 

We’ll beat anyone’s price! 

How to Qualify for 7% Bail Bonds?

In most cases, you won’t need any collateral for 7% bail bonds. If you have a job or a cosigner with a steady job, your job is your credit! And, qualifying for 7% bail bonds is easy! You will typically need a cosigner with a valid California ID and proof of current employment.

To Qualify for 7% Bail Bonds you will need 

  • Cosigner
  • Valid California ID
  • Proof of Current Employment

To see if you qualify for 7% bail bonds, fill out this easy, online application. It only takes a few minutes to arrange for bail bonds. 

How To Apply For 7% Bail Bonds

It couldn’t be easier to get 7% bail bonds when you work with Mr. Nice Guy. Our online application and E-Signature verification process make it possible for you to arrange for bail bonds for someone else without ever having to leave the comfort of your home. If you’re arranging bail bonds for yourself and prefer to have personal contact with your bail bond agent, we are also happy to meet with you at the jail or courthouse.

How To Get 7% Bail Bonds

  • Fill Out This Online Application
  • Esign or Sign by Email
  • Pay Online
  • Upload Documents To Our Secure Website or Dropbox
  • In-Person Services Available At Our Office
  • Have A Bail Bond Agent Meet You At The Jail Or Courthouse

For more information about how you can qualify for 7% bail bonds, call Mr. Nice Guy at (844) 400-2245. 

Disclaimer: All rates valid in California only. Contact for prices, conditions apply. Discounts not available in other states, or for immigration or federal cases. Not available for bond surrenders (surrendered by other companies). Rates vary by location, charges, collateral or co-signers and method of payment, on approved credit (oac). 

7% for Large Bail Bonds

Bail amounts vary, depending on the charge, and can range from several thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Many times, the arresting officers or the district attorney will charge an individual with the most serious versions of the crime for which they are arrested. They may even charge someone with multiple versions of the same crime so that the case can be “bargained” down the road.

When calculating the cost of bail required to get out of jail, a person must add up all of the charges that are being made, and add to that any and all enhancements to the charges. This adds up in a hurry and can make paying bail in cash a near impossibility for many people. Bail bonds companies work with the court system to secure an individual's release from jail at a fraction of the cost of the total bail.

In many counties, all charges and enhancements, each with their own amount of required bail, must be added together to find the total amount of bail required. This is often much more than an individual or family can come up with to get their loved one out of jail. 

For more information about qualifying for large bail bonds with as little as 7%, call Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds at (844) 400-2248. 

What if I Can’t Afford 7% Bail?

Many times, the amount of cash bail required to get someone out of jail can be quite a large sum. When you are facing large bail amounts, you may worry that you can never qualify for bail bonds or raise the funds to get out of jail. 

The licensed and experienced bail bond agents that work with Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds will work hard to find you all of the discounts available for large bail bonds and help you tailor a payment plan that works for your budget.

To qualify for discounts on large bail bonds, you will need:

  • A cosigner (called an indemnitor) to sign with you for your bond.
  • Proof of income for you and/or your indemnitor.
  • Real Estate may be used as collateral for large bail bonds. 
  • Approved Credit

Call Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds at (844) 400-2245 to discuss the discounts that are available for large bail bonds and how you can qualify for all of the discounts that are legally available. The licensed, professional bail bond agents that work with Mr. Nice Guy are standing by, ready to help you find every discount you qualify for. Call (844) 400-2245 for discounts on large bail bonds, today!

7% Bail Bonds on Assault & Battery

Assault and battery are often used together, which might lead you to think that the two charges are the same, or, at least, two parts of a single charge. But, the truth is much more complicated than that. While the two are related, and you could be charged with both, they are two distinct and separate crimes.

The Definition of Battery

Battery is defined as the willful, unlawful use of force against another person. This is a violation of Penal Code 242 and must have three separate elements:

  1. The act must be willful and unlawful
  2. Force or violence is used
  3. The willful use of violence or force is used against another person

In other words, you have to intend to use force or violence, it has to involve another person, but it doesn't have to actually cause any damage, injury, or harm. In fact, you don't even have to touch the body of the other person, in order to be guilty of battery. If you touch anything the is “intimately connected” to the other person, like their clothing or something they are holding, in a disrespectful or rude way, you could be charged with battery.

Examples of Battery PC 242

  • You're in a grocery store and get into an argument with your girlfriend and decide to leave the store. On the way out, it's crowded, and you push your way through the crowd because you're angry. You accidentally cause a woman to fall to the ground. You weren't trying to shove the woman down, but you were intentionally acting forcefully, and someone else is involved. You could be charged with battery.
  • You're at a bar, having a good time with your friends. Some jerk comes up and starts talking to your girlfriend. You tell him to move along, but he just won't. You get angry and knock the drink from his hand. You could be charged with battery.

The Definition of Assault

The crime of assault doesn't require any physical contact. You may have heard, or even used, the phrase, “He (or she) assaulted me!” in a situation where someone was actually hurt by physical violence. However, assault is not necessarily an attack of any kind, but merely the attempt to make unlawful contact with the intent of doing harm.

There are three components of assault:

  1. There must be an unlawful attempt
  2. There must be ability
  3. There must be another person upon whom violence or injury was threatened or attempted

“Attempt” means that someone tried to do something; not that they thought about it or wanted to, but that they tried.

Examples of Assault - PC 240

  • You are arguing with a neighbor over the volume of their music. They just aren't listening to reason, and, in anger, you pick up a rock and throw it at your neighbor. The step aside and the rock misses. They aren't injured, but you could still be charged with assault because you intentionally did something that could have resulted in their being hurt. 
  • You're in the parking lot, arguing with a friend over money. Other friends are standing by when the other person takes a swing at you. You lean back, avoiding the blow, and your other friends restrain him before he can take another swing. No one ever made physical contact, but he could still be charged with assault because he intended to inflict injury. 

Felony Assault & Battery Bail Bonds at 7%

Assaults that can be charged as felonies are violations of PC 241.1, PC 241.2, PC 241.4, PC 241.7, and PC 241.8 and include assault against:

  • doctors and nurses
  • emergency medical technicians and paramedics
  • school employees
  • firefighters
  • lifeguards
  • animal control officers
  • highway workers
  • members of the United States military, if the assault is motivated by the fact of service in the military
  • public transportation employees
  • probation department employees

Felony assault can be punished by up to three years in jail, a fine of up to $2,000, and probation up to three years.

Felony battery penalties include up to three years in county jail or state prison, depending on the offender's history, a fine of up to $2,000 ($5,000 if the victim is a juror or $10,000 if the victim is a public transport worker or passenger), and up to three years probation.

Aggravated Assault & Battery

Aggravated assault includes assault with a deadly weapon or assault where there is an intent to commit a felony such as rape or murder.

Aggravated battery is a violation of PC 243(d) and can be called battery with serious bodily injury or aggravated battery. This is the result of a battery that caused serious injury to another person, making it different from a simple battery where no injury needs to have been inflicted in order to be charged. 

GPS Monitoring Can Help You Qualify for 7% Bail Bonds

Large bail bonds (amounts over $250,000) may require the installation of a GPS monitoring system, the cost of which must be covered by the defendant. GPS monitoring typically costs $10 per day and requires a $450 installation charge, depending on the location. However, using GPS monitoring can allow defendants facing a large bail amount to work and live at home during their pretrial period, rather than forcing them to remain behind bars until their legal case can be resolved. While it may seem expensive at first, it is cheap compared to the value of freedom. 

Discounts for Bail Bonds

The State of California sets the rates that bail bond agents are required to charge in return for arranging bail bonds. In most cases, this rate is set at 10% and all bail bond agents are required to charge the same amount. 

However, Mr. Nice Guy works with a Surety Company that is able to offer substantial discounts to certain groups and under specific circumstances.

Discounts for bail bonds

  • AARP Member Discounts
  • Military Discounts
  • Law Enforcement Officers & Family Member Discount
  • Union Member Discounts
  • Homeowner Discounts
  • Government Worker Discounts
  • Teacher’s Discounts

For a full list of discounts offered by Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds, contact us today at (844) 400-2245 and get a free price quote!

7% Bail Bonds for Elder Abuse 368 PC

Taking care of elderly persons or handicapped adults can be a stressful and difficult task. At times, the stress of these responsibilities can be overwhelming. Caregivers of older and dependent adults must take time for self-care and be given opportunities to break away from the duties of caregiving. When this fails to happen, caregivers are sometimes less patient than they might otherwise be, sometimes leading to abuse. Abuse is never excusable. However, it is an undeniable reality that the pressures of constant caregiving can wear down a person’s natural ability to remain patient and calm in the heat of the moment.

What is Elder Abuse - 368 PC?

Elder abuse is defined under Penal Code 368 as “willfully” causing or permitting a person who is an elder or dependent adult to suffer, or inflicting unjustifiable physical pain or mental suffering. PC 368 describes elders and dependent adults as those individuals whose mental or physical capability restricts their ability to carry out normal life activities. In other words, special protection is given to those adults who are unable to protect and care for themselves. 

7% Bail Bond Rates For Elder Abuse

The state of California requires that all bail bond companies charge 10% of the total amount of bail, in order to post bond for a defendant. That means that if the bail is $20,000, the bail bondsman is required to charge $2,000 to post a bond in place of the bail. While this may still seem like a lot of money, it is far less than having to pay the entire amount of cash bail. But, all of these rates are set by statute, and all bail bond companies are required to charge the same amount.

California law allows for a discounted rate on bail bonds in some cases, for instance if the defendant retains a private attorney and pays the premium in full within 72 hours. These discounts are allowed for government union workers, members of the military, and AARP members and are determined by the surety company that is writing the bonds for the bail bond company. 

Mr. Nice Guy also offers a range of bail bond payment options that can require as little as 7% down. To see if you qualify for discounts on bail bonds, call Mr. Nice Guy at (844) 400-2245. 

Can I Bail Out for 7%?

Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds offers payment plans that accept 7% of the cost as a down payment and then arranges the remaining amount to fit your budget. With Mr. Nice Guy, you CAN bail out for just 7%!

Call Mr. Nice Guy at (844) 400-2245 to find out how you can bail out for 7%!

7% Bail Bonds for DUI Hit & Run

The State of California has some of the toughest penalties for driving under the influence in the United States. If a DUI is charged as a felony, the penalties can include more than a year in jail and tens of thousands of dollars in fines. 

Some of the charges related to DUI include

  • DUI With Great Bodily Injury or Death
  • Vehicular Manslaughter
  • Gross Vehicular Manslaughter
  • DUI Hit and Run
  • Child Endangerment Enhancement to DUI
  • DUI Refusal/Forced Blood Draw

When an individual is arrested for DUI and facing multiple charges or enhancements to the original charge, the bail amounts required to get out of jail must be added together, in most counties. 

For assistance in calculating the amount of bail required to get out of jail after an arrest for DUI or any of its related charges, call the professionals at Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds. The professional bail bonds agents that work with Mr. Nice Guy are dedicated to helping the residents of Southern California negotiate the bail process and getting people home to their families and jobs as they work through the legal situation they find themselves in.  

Call Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds at (844) 400-2245 for assistance with DUI Bail Bonds in California.

7% Domestic Disturbance Bail Bonds

California domestic violence laws state that it is illegal to use physical force or make threats of harm against an intimate partner. Most often called domestic violence, this crime is also called spousal abuse and includes abuse against any intimate partner. An intimate partner includes a spouse, former spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, former girl- or boyfriend, someone you date or used to date, same-sex partner, a person you live and have an intimate relationship, or used to live and have an intimate relationship, or someone with whom you have a child. In other words, if you have, or have ever had, romantic feelings for or an intimate relationship with someone and then become involved in any kind of force, you could be charged with spousal abuse, and not just simple battery.

Other Charges Related To Domestic Disturbance

While “domestic violence” is the name of the charge most commonly referred to when the police have to get involved in an argument between intimate partners, it is not the only charge closely related to domestic disturbance.

Other Charges Are:

  • Corporal Injury of Spouse
  • Corporal Injury of a Cohabitant
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Spousal Abuse
  • Violation of Penal Code 273.5

California Penal Code, Section 13700

Domestic Violence is defined as “abuse committed against an adult or fully emancipated minor who is a spouse, former spouse, cohabitant, or person with whom the suspect has had a child or is having or has had a dating or engagement relationship.” (California Penal Code, Section 13700)

The definition of Domestic Violence can include:

  • Physical Abuse
  • Verbal Abuse
  • Abusing Trust
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Emotional Abuse
  • Psychological Abuse
  • Coercion
  • Harassment
  • Economic control
  • Threats and intimidation
  • Destruction of Property
  • Isolation

7% Bail Bonds for Domestic Violence

Arguments are almost unavoidable when two people spend a lot of time together. If you argue with someone you are in a relationship with, it is important that you stay calm. Don't let your temper get the better of you. If things go wrong, however, and you find yourself dealing with law enforcement over a domestic disturbance or domestic violence issue, we can help you negotiate the path between county jail and back home so that you can work on your marriage or relationship in a responsible way.

Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds is a full-service bail bond agency committed to providing fast, friendly and affordable service to the Southern California community. At Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds, our fully licensed and insured agents understand that good people sometimes have a bad day. You won't face undue judgment or attitude when you deal with the bail bondsmen at Mr. Nice Guy. For fast, friendly domestic violence bail bonds, give Mr. Nice Guy a call at (844) 400- BAIL. 

7% Bail Bonds for Restraining Order Violations

In the State of California, there are several types of restraining orders available to protect those in fear of violence or threats from another person. A restraining order prohibits one party from having certain contact with another person, once specific evidence has been shown that the protected party is in some sort of danger from the restrained party. 

If a restraining order is issued, each order will contain specific information regarding the type of contact that is prohibited. Sometimes only physical contact is prohibited and other times even phone calls or emails will be a violation of the restraining order. If you are the subject of a restraining order, read the entire order carefully to ensure that you understand all of the restrictions you’ve been ordered to observe. 

Types of Restraining Orders

There are several types of restraining orders issued in California. 

The most common is a domestic violence restraining order, or DRVO, in which the parties are or have been involved in a dating or familial relationship before the order requested. 

Restraining Order Violation Bail Bonds

Many times the amount of money required for bail is more than someone can conveniently come up with. If you don't have friends or relatives from whom you can borrow the money for bail, you may need to enlist the help of a bail bondsman like Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds. Mr. Nice Guy and his team of licensed, professional bail bondsmen can help you negotiate the bail process and get out of jail fast.

A bail bondsman will pay the bail on your behalf, and you pay the bondsman a fee, usually 10% of the total cost of bail. When the case is resolved, the court will return the money to the person who paid it, in this case the bail bondsmen. He keeps the fee as payment for helping to secure bail more quickly and for assistance to the court in tracking and ensuring the compliance of defendants who are out on bail.

Call (844) 400-2245 for help with restraining order bail bonds today!

Best Rates on Bail Bonds in California

Some bail bond companies require an annual premium on the anniversary of charges, but Mr. Nice Guy never does that. Once you've secured a bond through Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds, there are no additional fees or recurring charges. Mr. Nice Guy will even work with you on establishing a payment plan for a bail bond, to help get yourself or a loved one out of jail when you're on a budget. It just doesn't get much nicer than that!

For more information on qualifying for 7% bail bonds in California, call Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds at (844) 400-2245. 

7% Bail Bonds Near Me

Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds serves the entire State of California, with locations all over Southern California and relationships with other agencies throughout the state. When you need 7% bail bonds close to you, Mr. Nice Guy can make it happen!

For fast, friendly customer service, and rates as low as 7% down on bail bonds, call Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds today at (844) 400-2245 or start our online bail bond process here

Disclaimer: All rates valid in California only. Contact for prices, conditions apply. Discounts not available in other states, or for immigration or federal cases. Not available for bond surrenders (surrendered by other companies). Rates vary by location, charges, collateral or co-signers and method of payment, approved credit (oac). 

Free Consultation

DUI Bail Bonds in Costa Mesa

Prostitution Bail Bonds

How to Calculate a Bail Bond in California?

About The Author

Jesse Kleis is a seasoned California Bail Agent, boasting over a decade of comprehensive experience in the bail industry. He earned his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Sociology from California State University. In addition to his work as a bail agent, Jesse is also an active Sociology Instructor, furthering his commitment to professional education.

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