24 Hour Bail Bond Services:


Domestic Violence Bail Bonds in Orange

Posted on Jul 16th, 2018 by tmg_admin 4848 Views

Mr. Nice Guy is a bail bond service provider located all across Southern California, with offices in Orange and other major metropolitan areas. In Orange, CA, Mr. Nice Guy can assist you with bail bonds for everything from DUI to domestic violence.

Family Life in Orange, California

From the outside looking in, Orange, CA is about as ideal a place to live and raise a family as anywhere a person could imagine. The weather is fantastic: warm, but not too warm in summer, and it's never very cold. The scenery is beautiful, with beaches and mountains all within a short driving distance. Who could ever be unhappy in Orange, CA?

Orange, California Demographics

More than 139.000 people live in the City of Orange. And,  in 2010, the majority of those people, 80%, were living in households with other people. 37% of the households had children living in them. 54% were heterosexual married couples, 5% were unmarried heterosexual couples, and .9% were same-sex married couples or partnerships. Just under 20% of households were single people living alone. It sounds like a perfect paradise of family harmony.

Things To Do With the Family in Orange, CA

There is always plenty to do in Orange, CA. The famous Southern California beaches are just minutes away in Huntington Beach and Newport Beach. Surfing, swimming, and sunbathing are available at almost any time. Even closer than the beach lies Disneyland Park in Anaheim, perhaps the most famous vacation destination for families the world over.

However, even without leaving Orange, there is plenty for families to find to do. Visitors could take in the historic downtown district in Old Towne Orange, where they'll discover some of the oldest buildings in Orange County, as the City of Orange didn't tear down their old buildings to make room for new ones.

The downtown plaza offers a wide range of boutique shopping in high-end clothing stores and out of the way antique shops. The Outlets at Orange also offer hours of window shopping and entertainment, or you can pull out your credit card and enjoy the plethora of sophisticated stores like Neiman Marcus and Saks 5th Avenue.

Irvine Regional Park

Nestled among a large grove of heritage Oak and Sycamore trees, the rolling hills of the Irvine Regional Park are home to a variety of wildlife. With more than 490-acres, this beautiful park provides opportunities for wildlife observation in a breathtaking location, along with a variety of activities for visitors to enjoy.

Paved trails meander through the center of the park, offering access to hikers, bikers, and runners and connecting the six playgrounds that the park has to offer. In addition to playgrounds, the park also offers a stream flowing throughout the park, a lake, two horseshoe pits, and four softball fields for visitors to enjoy.

Around the perimeter of the park, a three-mile equestrian trail provides views of the beautiful park and the surrounding scenery. Parking for horse trailers is located on the north end of the park, near a lookout trail, where visitors will find a covered shelter, watering trough, and water fountain.

On the lake, visitors will find a historic boathouse where they can rent bicycles and aqua cycles during the summer and on weekends and holidays.

Beside the boathouse, the Lakeside Snack Bar offers a variety of hot and cold food and drinks, as well as picnic supplies so that patrons can create their own outdoor meal opportunities at one of the many picnic areas available throughout the park.  Across from the Snack Bar, pony rides are available every day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. year-round, except for Mondays. A ten-minute ride takes children past the lake and through the wooded groves, before returning to the pony corral.

The Irvine Regional Park, as well as some other Orange County parks, was closed for a few weeks during October 2017, due to extensive damage from the Canyon Fire that affected the entire county. Hot spots, weakened trees, and other hazards kept area parks unsafe for the public until cleanup could be completed.

Irvine Regional Park
1 Irvine Park Road
Orange, Ca  92869
(714) 973-6835

Orange County Zoo

The Orange County Zoo is located on Irvine Park Road, in the City of Orange. Located inside of the larger Irvine Regional Park, the Orange County Zoo is home to plants and animals that are native to the Southwestern United States, including black bears, mountain lions, island foxes, red-tailed hawks, coyotes, and more. The Zoo also features a barnyard section, where visitors can observe farm animals like goats, sheep, and pot-bellied pigs.

Admission to the Orange County Zoo is just $2 per person, for individuals 3 years old and up (2 and under get in free). There is an additional charge of $3 per car during the week and $5 per car on the weekends for entry into the Irvine Regional Park. On major, posted holidays, the fee is increased to as much as $10 per car. A holiday schedule is posted at the park.

Domestic Disputes in Orange

As idyllic and wonderful as Orange may be, that doesn't exempt it from its share of domestic problems. Any time you have two people living together in close quarters, especially if they have a romantic relationship. Love is hard, and sometimes it can be hard to get along. However, it's important to remember that anything worth having is worth working hard for. So, when disagreements arise, try to remain calm and reasonable, so that the problems can be worked through in a beneficial way.

When arguments between spouses, partners, or people who are dating, get out of hand and the police have to get involved, it is likely that one or both people involved could be charged with domestic violence.

What Is Domestic Violence?

Domestic Violence is a broad term that covers a lot of different situations and crimes. Domestic violence is defined as “abuse committed against an adult or fully emancipated minor who is a spouse, former spouse, cohabitant, r person with whom the suspect has had a child or is having or has had a dating or engagement relationship.” (California Penal Code, Section 13700)

Domestic Violence Can Land You In Jail

A charge of domestic violence will land you in jail, at least until you can post bail and answer the charges against you in court. For domestic violence charges in Orange County, CA, the accused person will be taken to the Central Jail Complex in Santa Ana to be processed and charged. Once the paperwork has been filed and a mug shot and fingerprints taken, the defendant will be either pay cash bail or be taken to one of the county jails located in Santa Ana, Irvine or Orange to wait for a hearing and trial.

City of Orange Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement services to the City of Orange are provided by the Orange Police Department on Batavia Street. The police department of Orange utilize the COMPSAT model of crime reduction, first developed in NYC, to help fight crime in Orange and, according to their website, “make Orange the safest city in Orange County.” 

Orange Police Department
10 N. Batavia St.
Orange, CA  92866
(714) 744-7444

Many unincorporated areas are mixed in and around the Orange city limits. Because of the mix of incorporated and unincorporated “cities” all mixed in together, the Orange County Sheriff's Department also has a strong presence in and around the City of Orange. The Orange County Sheriff's Department provides policing services to all unincorporated areas, as well as many incorporate cities within Orange County.

Orange County Sheriff's Department
550 N. Flower St.
Santa Ana, CA  92703
(714) 647-7000 

In Jail in the City of Orange

There are both local and county jails located within the City of Orange city limits. The Orange City Police Department operates a booking and temporary holding facility as a part of the police department, located at 10 N. Batavia St. However, this is not a long-term holding facility and persons arrested and booked here may find themselves transferred to one of the larger county jails in just a short period of time.

Orange City Jail
10 N. Batavia St.
Orange, CA  92866
(714) 744-7444

The Theo Lacey Facility, an Orange County Jail, is also located in Orange on City Drive. Persons arrested in Orange, CA may be taken to either the city police department for booking and holding, or to the Theo Lacey Facility depending on where and by whom they are arrested.

Theo Lacey Facility
501 The City Drive
Orange, CA  92868 

Who's in Jail in Orange, CA?

To you're worried that a friend or loved one is being held by law enforcement in Orange, CA, you can do an inmate search. You will need the individual's full, legal name, age, and gender. You can also find an inmate's booking number, for use in scheduling visits, sending money, or sending mail.

California Penal Code, Section 13700

Domestic  Violence is defined as “abuse committed against an adult or fully emancipated minor who is a spouse, former spouse, cohabitant, r person with whom the suspect has had a child or is having or has had a dating or engagement relationship.” (California Penal Code, Section 13700)

The definition of abuse can include:

  • Physical Abuse
  • Verbal Abuse
  • Abusing Trust
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Emotional Abuse
  • Psychological Abuse
  • Coercion
  • Harassment
  • Economic control
  • Threats and Intimidation
  • Destruction of Property
  • Isolation

As you can see, the term “domestic violence” can be applied to a lot of situations and in a lot of different ways. That's why it's so important to handle the disagreements in a way that will keep you out of trouble with the law.

Other Names For Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence isn't the only charge that can come up when people who have or used to have a relationship fight and the police get involved. There are several other charges that are closely related to “domestic violence.” They are:

  • Corporal Injury of Spouse
  • Corporal Injury of a Cohabitant
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Spousal Abuse
  • Violation of Penal Code 273.5

Corporal Punishment of a Spouse or Cohabitant

When we say corporal punishment in this sense, we aren't talking about the kind of punishment a child might receive at the hands of a principle or angry parent. When the law speaks of the “Corporal Injury of a Spouse or Cohabitant,” they mean harm that is intentionally inflicted on someone with whom the perpetrator has an “intimate relationship.”

The legal definition of Corporal Punishment of a Spouse or Cohabitant is: “willfully inflicting a physical injury that causes a 'traumatic condition' on an intimate partner.” Let's define a few of these terms, to understand better what could be considered corporal injury.

Who Qualifies as an Intimate Partner?

  • A spouse
  • A Former Spouse
  • A Cohabitant (someone you live with)
  • A Former Cohabitant (someone you used to live with)
  • A Boyfriend (including same-sex boyfriends)
  • A Girlfriend (including same-sex girlfriends)
  • A Fiance'
  • A Former Fiance'
  • The Parent of Your Child

In other words, anyone you have had a romantic or intimate relationship with, at any point, for any length of time, would be considered an intimate partner.

The other term in question here is “physical injury.” What exactly constitutes a “physical injury?” The law says it is “any injury that leaves a mark, such as a bruise or a cut.”

Help For Domestic Violence

If you find yourself in a relationship with a potential for domestic violence, there is help available. If you are the perpetrator of violence or worry that you might be: Get help now! There are a number of counselors and programs that can help you address your issues before they cause more trouble. Seek out a counselor that specializes in dealing with relationships with abuse.

If you are in a relationship where you are in fear of being victimized or harmed by your significant other, there is help available!

Orange, CA Domestic Violence Assistance Programs

For those who are victims of domestic violence, or who feel that they are in danger of violence from a person with whom they live or are dating, help is available. There are several domestic violence assistance programs located in Orange County, to whom you can reach out for help.

  • Home of Green Pastures (Korean Domestic Abuse Assistance) – (714) 532-2787
  • Human Options Hotline – (949)854-3554
  • Interval House Hotline – (714) 891-8121
  • Laura's House Hotline – (949) 498-1511
  • Women's Transitional Living Center Hotline – (714) 992 – 1931
  • Safety On Shore – (714) 538-1878

Victims of domestic abuse can request a restraining order against their abuser. The restraining order may require that the alleged abuser leave the household and prevent the abuser from visiting the victim's place of residence or employment. In domestic violence situations, a judge may issue emergency custody of minor children until the facts can become known and a permanent custodial agreement can be reached.

Restraining Orders in Orange County For Domestic Violence

In Orange County, victims of domestic violence or those who feel threatened by a cohabitant or spouse can seek assistance and a temporary restraining order by contacting the Orange County Sheriff's Department at (714) 973-0123.

Note: This is a recorded line. If there is an imminent danger or emergency, call 911.

Victims may also reach the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800)799-SAFE.

Arrested For Domestic Violence

If things get out of hand between you and your partner or spouse, you may find yourself under arrest for domestic violence. If you are arrested in Orange, Ca, you will likely be taken to either the Orange City Jail or the Theo Lacey Facility.

Orange City Jail
10 N. Batavia St.
Orange, CA  92866
(714) 744-7444 

Theo Lacey Jail
501 The City Drive
Orange, CA  92868 

Once at the jail in Orange, you'll be booked for domestic violence, your fingerprints and photograph taken, ID confirmed, and charges filed. You'll also be allowed to make a phone call or two, to let friends and family know where you are and get help on the way to get out of jail. Your first call should be to Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds in Orange. Call (888) 618-9355 to get a professional, experienced bail bondsman by your side to help walk you through the process for getting out of jail before you are transferred to one of the larger, county facilities. Once you're at one of the larger facilities, it takes much longer to do the things required to get you out of jail. 

Domestic Violence Bail

If you're wondering about the fastest way to get out of jail after you've been arrested for domestic violence, the answer is “bail.” Bail is money that a defendant pays to the court as a guarantee that they will show up for all court appearances and trial dates. If the defendant complies with all court-ordered appearances, the bail money will be returned upon the completion of the court case. However, if the defendant fails to appear when ordered, the bail will be revoked and the defendant will be returned to jail.

How Much Is Bail For Domestic Violence?

How much it will cost for bail depends on the exact charges and any enhancements that might be filed. Sometimes charges that are similar to domestic violence are filed, as well, even though they might fall under another category in the penal code. A list of bail amounts for charges in Orange County can be found here and is generally posted at the jail facility. You may also call Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds in Orange, with a list of the charges being filed, and one of their friendly, professional bail bond agents will help you figure out the total cost of bail and work on getting you out of jail right away.

Domestic Violence Bail Bonds in Orange

If you can't afford the entire cost of bail, a bail company like Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds in Orange is the answer to your trouble! For a small, non-refundable fee of 7% to 10% of the total cost of bail, Mr. Nice Guy can get you out of jail!

A bail bond is a document filed by a surety company with the court that guarantees the surety company will ensure the defendant's compliance with all court-ordered appearances or they will pay the entire amount of the bail required.

Bail bonds allow the defendant to get out of jail without having to pay the entire amount of bail due and usually means that they can get out of jail much faster than they could without access to bail bonds.

Best Rates on Domestic Assault Bail Bonds in Orange

Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds has the best rates on bail bonds. How can we make that statement when all bail bond companies are required to charge the same 10% fee? Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds uses a Surety Company that allows them to discount bail bonds to just 7% if the defendant retains a private attorney and pays the premium within the first 72-hours. There's no lower rate available, anywhere.

Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds saves you money in other ways, as well.

Other companies charge hidden fees like:

  • Notary Fees
  • Travel Expenses
  • Posting Fees
  • Annual Premiums
  • Late File Premiums
  • Interest on Financing
  • Processing Fees

Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds doesn't charge any of these fees. There is always just one flat rate, no interest, no hidden fees, no surprises. Other companies may advertise the same 10% rate that everyone is required to charge. But, what they don't tell you is all the other fees you'll end up paying. Mr. Nice Guy never charges these additional fees, so you'll end up paying a lower rate, no matter what the other guys are advertising.

Call Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds to start the bail bond process and get out of jail fast! 

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